The Brainwashing of America

Originally posted to American Thinker America was once a nation of free-thinking individualists priding themselves on the constitutional idea that God ordained and endowed each person as an end unto himself with rights to think, act, believe, and behave according to personal thoughts, conscience, and individual interest. According to the Declaration …

Did Barack turn Biden against Israel?

Originally posted at American Thinker Former president Barack Obama has never kept it secret as to whom he sides with in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.  Obama’s palpable dislike for Israeli prime minister Bibi Netanyahu is also widely recognized.  That’s why it must have been challenging for Obama to appear alongside perceived Israel-supporter Joe Biden at …

Obama ‘jumps in’

Originally posted at American Thinker In an article entitled “Obama jumps in to help Biden defeat Trump again,” CNN national affairs correspondent, Jeff Zeleny, and his equally impressionable cohort, CNN White House correspondent MJ Lee, wrote that sources told them that “Obama and Biden speak with regularity, and the former president remains …

Did Biden crib from Obama at his State of the Union address?

Originally posted at American Thinker Did Joe Biden lift a page from the playbook of Barack Obama at his State of the Union address the other night? Breaching political protocol back in 2010, then-President Obama exploited the opportunity at the yearly event to ambush Supreme Court judges sitting 20 feet away. In front …

Election year ‘dignity’ for illegals

Originally posted at American Thinker The newest Biden mindbender — out of supposed concern for “humanity and dignity” — involves guidelines that are expected to sharply limit arrests and deportations carried out by Immigration and Customs Enforcement. In other words, if you represent a potential illegitimate vote, you can break into …

Obama’s Fourth Term

Originally Posted at American Thinker Donald J. Trump was elected the 45th president of the United States, two individuals, Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama, were subject to massive electoral humiliation. While Hillary still hasn’t recovered, the haughtiest of the two, Barack Obama, is the one who took the election rejection …

Is Barack vindicating his vision?

Because Joe Biden’s America reeks of Obama. Originally posted at Substack Beginning in January of 2009, newly elected Barack Obama embarked on a historical mission to castrate America. Who better to man the wrecking ball crane than someone who views the American Constitution as “fundamentally flawed?” Utilizing Saul Alinsky’s ‘foment-a-crisis/find-a-socialist-cure’ blueprint, Obama’s …

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